The 17th Annual Xtreme Holiday Xtravaganza, hosted by Curtis and Jodi Stigers, is coming back live to the Historic Egyptian Theatre and we are delighted! This holiday variety show brings so many of our wonderful local artists together to deliver a rollicking, joyous and uplifting night of music, humor and joy and helps to raise much needed funds for Interfaith Sanctuary Homeless Shelter!
Sunday, December 18th: Doors at 6pm, Show at 7pm ~ tickets here
Monday, December 19th: Doors at 6pm, Show at 7pm ~ tickets here
Here is just a sampling of the artists who will be performing at this year's Xtreme...
Curtis Stigers, Steve Fulton, Bill Coffey, Jake Stigers, Minor Paradox, Eilen Jewell, Belinda Bowler, Andy Byron, Emily Tipton, Steve Baker and the Lonesome Jetboat Ramblers, Amuma Says No and many more to come...